Thursday, December 1, 2011

Los Angeles being Hit by Hurricane Force Winds

The city of Los Angeles and its surrounding areas are being struck by strong Santa Ana winds that are moving with hurricane force speed. The Santa Ana winds develop during cooler months when westward flowing wind currents reach intense speeds as they squeeze through the mountain ranges in southern California. These strong winds lower the humidity of the area and can cause wildfires as a result. In Los Angeles, on Wednesday night, (11-30-11) a wind gust of 97 miles per hour was recorded. Several other areas around the region reported wind gusts of 85mph. These high wind speeds knocked down trees, which lead to power outages in some areas of L.A. The Los Angeles airport had to delay and cancel some flights due to the fierce wind gusts and debris flying across the runways. The National Weather Service has warned citizens living in and around L.A. to close their windows and secure all outdoor objects such as law furniture. These strongs winds are expected to stay for a few days untill this weather system moves through.

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